My Girlfriend's Point & Shoot
For those of you who follow my Instagram, chances are you have already seen my girlfriend Kezia, you may have even read about her digital camera business. After introducing her to the world of film photography she decided she wanted her own camera and borrowed a couple of mine. However, after talking to her parents they said that they might still have their old cameras.
So that weekend we went searching through a small mountain of boxes located in an old barn. After not too long we came across a box of electricals and sat neatly at the bottom we spotted a Nikon camera case. Removing the camera case we found a Nikon Lite Touch 70Ws in incredible condition and still loaded with a roll of film.
Kez's Nikon Lite Touch 70Ws
With some new batteries we found it to be working and rewound the film. The film was sent off to The Film Safe to be developed and hopefully we would discover some old memories.
It turned out that the last time this camera was used was at a horse racing event and even had some pictures of Kez as a child. While the film had clearly been affected by time the images still looked great.
A bit more about the camera
This camera is a fantastic point & shoot from the early 2000’s with a 28-70mm lens and lots of features including:
- Macro zoom
- Auto-focus
- Auto-exposure
- Built in flash with 4 different modes
- DX loading
- LED display on the top of the camera
It also has a sliding lens cover that acts as an on off switch, this means the lens is perfectly protected in your pocket. This makes it a camera that you feel you can take everywhere with you.
Back to Kez who has been using this camera regularly since discovering it. This summer she joined me on a trip to Puglia, Italy and brought her camera with her. I gave her a roll of Lomo 400 to use and in my opinion shot some of her best images over the 2 weeks we were there.